The MSW robotics team is in red shirts. In some pictures, you see them from the back, with "MSW" printed on the shirts. In the first picture, you can't really see the team, but they are standing on the upper level, in the back, underneath the two yellow and black signs.

Our side of the gym.
The other side of the gym.
The table.
The MSW team is on deck.
The first of a series of pictures of the team during the first two matches.
Phoebe with Eleanor and her new participation medal, and buttons other teams have given her. Next year, our team should have buttons.
This is a movie that Fox45 took of the last regular match of the tournament. Partway through, a team mate is interviewed. After that, the MSW robot is shown knocking over some little purple Legos. After that, you can see the MSW team cheering.