Wednesday, May 7, 2014

April Reviews Bring May ... ?

Reviews of recently consumed media, etc.

I can't believe it, but I'm watching MacGyver again. It's full of horrible cliches, but there is a beating heart of creativity underneath. I'll give it a few more chances.

I watched a fun film, In the Loop. It stars Peter Capaldi, who apparently now plays the Doctor in Doctor Who (I haven't seen him do this yet--still catching up on the Tennant years). Don't watch this with anybody unused to foul language. Capaldi will make his or her ears bleed. It's the story of British and American government staffers who are supposed to be working on a common project, but each person involved has his or her own ax to grind.

I just began reading Linda Simoni-Wastila's book, Pure. More later after I'm finished.

I'm also in the middle of Moonwalking with Einstein, by Joshua Foer. This is the book about a writer for Slate who ends up falling in love with the subject of expanding his memory. It's a bit of a how-to book wrapped up in the history of memory enhancing techniques, with a description of contemporary memory competitions.

Now it is May, and I have finished Moonwalking with Einstein. Linda, I'm not done with your excerpt yet. I'm done with MacGyver. It became insupportable in season 3. Now I am watching the vlogbrothers 2007 Brotherhood 2.0 videos. Delightful. I am beginning my own vlog now.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Judy just mentioned recently that she had never seen MacGyver, so I have added that to NetFlix.
